
Galley Slaves and Moving

Galley Slaves and Moving

Posted by Marcus Yoder on 22nd Jan 2018

By the middle of the sixteen hundreds, the public execution of Anabaptists had come to a complete stop, but there was still persecution. Certain areas would attempt to deal with their “Anabaptist p … read more
The Big Book: Martyr’s Mirror, A look into the Past

The Big Book: Martyr’s Mirror, A look into the Past

Posted by Marcus Yoder on 22nd Jan 2018

Persecution is often viewed as a hindrance to the growth and development of the church. Not one of us desires to be persecuted, but when it does happen, God has faithfully supplied the grace and co … read more
A Faithful Life: Menno Simons, Influencer of an Anabaptist Movement

A Faithful Life: Menno Simons, Influencer of an Anabaptist Movement

Posted by By Marcus Yoder & Mark Oliver on 19th Dec 2017

One may never know the impact of their life on others.An example of this is an Anabaptist man from Holland named Sicke Freerks Synder who was martyred in 1531 for his faith. A young Catholic priest … read more
The Ausbund

The Ausbund

Posted by Amish Country Insider on 11th Dec 2017

The AusbundIn the late summer of 1535 about four hundred Anabaptist were forced from their homes and farms in central Moravia.Splitting into smaller groups most tried to make their way west to the … read more